Patriotic Buttons

The Bald Eagle It's ON button


bald eagle pin back buttons from
Item # P4b1 The Bald Eagle, which is America's bird, is seen here ready, willing, and able to fight! He's a formidable fellow in that his eyesight is keen, his talons sharp, and he's swift to swoop upon his prey. The poor hapless prey almost never lives long enough to ask, "what hit me?"
You mess with the Bald Eagle, you'll regret it.
You can make this a custom button for the same low price as our stock buttons. Add your family name, company name, or another caption for no additional charge! Here's some ideas: Change the background color from white to any color of your liking, (we recommend red, if you're going to do this. We can also red/white/blue the background). Change the top caption to say something else. This button's original design said, "It's On, Punk!" You can do something similar. Change the font size, style, and or color to a color that suits you.
Simply place your order, then write us and tell us how you want it customized
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It's On Button
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